Quilt Show
Southern Colorado Regional Quilt Show
Southern Colorado Regional
Quilt Show
The 14th Annual Quilt Show - 2024
Our Show was held at the El Pueblo History Museum in Pueblo from Thursday, April 4th thru Saturday, April 13th. The Museum was also open for Pueblo's monthly "First Friday Art Walk". We recorded 1170 visitors to the Show this year, and logged almost 750 volunteer hours.
An Opening Reception was held for Featured Quilter Yvonne Cleaver on Thursday, April 4th, with guests invited to vote for their favorite of Yvonne's quilts. The Featured Corner displayed 16 of her quilts, selected to showcase the variety of projects she has completed over her quilting career; there were 2 additional quilts of Yvonne's to be found throughout the Show in general.
This year we again hosted a Speaker. Dr. Courtney Willis, Professor Emeritus from the University of Northern Colorado, discussed Quilting on Antique and Vintage Sewing Machines, of which he had many to display and demonstrate. This Free program was presented on the first Saturday of the Show, April 6th.
Our 2024 Show had 171 quilts on display! Quilts from over 80 quilters were entered. Most are members of at least of one of nine guilds represented, with a few who are unaffiliated with a group.
The annual Pride City Quilt Guild Bucket Raffle (with 11 different items) was near the front doors - as always, tickets were $1 each or 6/$5. Visitors chose which item(s) they wished to win by placing their tickets in the respective buckets! The drawing for these items was held following the close of the Quilt Show, at our April meeting on 4/15/2024 at 10:30a.
The Pride City Quilt Guild issued a challenge to its members to make a quilt top using only scraps or fabric from their stash. The names of 34 quilts submitted for this Challenge are marked below with **. City Beat Modern Quilters also issued a challenge to its members. Those 6 quilts are marked below with ##.

Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do - or Do Without!
Our theme this year was seen throughout our exhibits - it was the inspiration for the Pride City Challenge, and it was the basis for activities during the Kids Classes on Fridays, April 5th and 12th.
The displays below were in and around the display case as one entered the Community Gallery. Quilts were often made with the last scraps from clothing. Wonderful, decorative stitching was used over the seams of the odd shaped pieces on "crazy quilts". Hand embroidery is seldom seen today.
The Quilts of
Our Featured Quilter - Yvonne Cleaver
Happy Candy Happy Connecting Birthday Cane Lane Easter Flowers
Best of Friends Prairie Meadow Seamstress
Elegant Embroidery Meet Me in Paris Fresh Cut Roses
Monarch Mariner's Compass Winter Wonderland
My Little Lamb Alaska Magic Autumn Leaves
Main Galleria
Christmas Pickle In the Neighborhood Raspberries & Cream Yvonne Cleaver (PC, OSQ) Nancy Morlan (R&S) Cathy Ortega (PC, SL)
Warm Wishes Imaginary Day Monet's Garden Faye Bills Irene Drewnicky Robyn Whetsel (PC, SL)
Midnight Garden Basket Weave Spring Has Sprung Carolyn Baker (PC, SL) Shirley Schwab (SL) Paula Fredrick (PC)
Sunbonnet Girls Lightening Dragonfly Quilter Unknown Peggy Gonzales (PC, SL) Faye Bills owned by Mary Kay Witte (PC)
Barns with Quilts Pirouette Ladies Floral Basket Patty Kelley (SL) Paula Fredrick (PC) Carolyn Baker (PC, SL)
Roses in Winter Arabella Almost a Lone Star Renee Helgeson (PC) Nancy Morlan (R&S) Patty Kelley (SL)
Circle Clusters Dolls from May Countries Mary Ellen Rhea (PC) Mary Ellen Rhea (PC)
Orphan's Home ** This Took Forever ** Scrap Crazy ** Gale Miller (PC, CB) Mary Vandeberg (PC, SL, PP) Naomi Zeleny (PC)
Pride City Quilt Guild Blue Green Challenge ** Carolina's Scraps ** Challenge Guidelines Cathy Ortega (PC, SL) Carolyn Baker (PC, SL)
Scrappy ** Leftovers ** Challenge Quilt ** Sara Warren (PC, SL) Nancy Shaw (PC, SL) Paula Fredrick (PC)
Wonky Diamonds My Scraps and Colores de los Muertos ** and Flowers ** Salvage Memories ** Marka Rapenchuk (PC) Cass Pearson (PC) Diane May (PC)
Fall In Colorado ** Scrap Crazy ** Tim's Quilt ** Tracy Dempsey (PC, SL) Kay Loudenberry (PC, OSQ) Jill Jespersen (PC)
Blue Special ** Leftovers ** Big Blue ** Carol Briscoe (PC, SL, Cal) Carol King (PC) Holly Vigil (PC)
Challenge Quilt ** Crumbs ** Organized Chaos ** Yvonne Cleaver (PC, OSQ) Nancy Shaw (PC, SL) Esther Archuleta (PC)
Confetti Contained ** X Marks the Spot: This Becomes This ** Maryellen Naughton A Nine-Patch Design ** Alice LaDuke Eloise Wenzel (PC)
(The quilts below are on benches in the rear area of the Community Gallery)
2024 Challenge Scrap Quilt ** Crazy Scrap Quilt ** Priscilla Palacio (PC, SL, Cal) Dianna Hardrick (Cal)
Crumbs & Curves ** Color Me Happy ** Kathy Turner (PC) Anita Thigpen (PC)
Scrappy Kaffe ** Tunnel Vision ** Alesandra Russell (PC) Sue Turnquist (PC, CB, PP)
PC Challenge Quilt ** Flower Explosion ** Scraps ** Carol Briscoe (PC, SL, Cal) Julie Racine (PC, SL) Jean Heuton (PC)
Hearts & Flowers for Grandma ** Tumbling Triangles ** Pat Montez (PC) Peggy Gonzales (PC, SL)
International Gallery
Remembrance Toy Box Quilt #1 Elizabeth Martin (PC) Pat Rotolo (PC)
Sofa Throw of Many Colors Grandma Did the Best She Could Dot - Dot Challenge Mary Ellen Rhea (PC) Martha Pahljina Melanie Long
Star Clusters Flannels at 50 Charm Quilt Irene Drewnicky Mary Kay Witte (PC) Lorraine Kohrs (PC)
Finally Northern Tracks Flora & Feathers Forever Carol King (PC) Kay Loudenberry (PC, OSQ) Judy Case (Cal)
Spring Rabbits More Color Sticks and Stones Jean Heuton (PC) Renee Helgeson (PC) Joy Sterner (PC)
Spare Change Live to Ride, Ride to Live In Loving Memory of Tito Deb Behringer (PC, SL) Cha Cha Hanson (PC) Cynthia Ortiz Fuentes (PC)
Apothecary, Parquet Anna's Baskets My COVID Quilt Patti Rodriguez (PC) Judy Case (Cal) Starling Bradley
O Happy Day Serendipity LEGO-LAND & The Builder Naomi Zeleny (PC) Diana Behling (PC) Cha Cha Hanson (PC)
Boxes and Bows Rainbow Ribbons Tony's Sports Quilt Robyn Whetsel (PC, SL) Gale Miller (PC, CB) Teresa Grice (PC)
Porch Rails Loralei Gals Fall and Winter Cass Pearson (PC) Julie Racine (PC, SL) Naoma Oneill (PC)
Community Gallery
Halloween Attic Not Just Black & White Raven, Pumpkins, Bats Sharon Sheehan (Helping Hands) Anita Thigpen (PC) Margaret Arnot (SL, Cal)
Everett Cottage Kiss Me, You Fool Lovin' on Old Moses Faye Bills Sue Turmquist (PC, CB, PP) Sue Turnquist (PC, CB, PP)
Mom's Flower Garden My Little Mermaid Hey June Kris Sparks (PC, SL, Cal) Barbara Bell (PC) Kim Schwab
Polka Dot Affair Boho Winners Bouquet Solar Flare Margaret Arnot (SL, Cal) Cheri Walker (PC, SL) Sara Warren (PC, SL)
The Recital Adventures I Love My Dogs Eloise Wenzel (PC) Maryellen Naughton (PC) Alesandra Russell (PC)
Statue of Liberty Patriotic Kids My Home Town Robin Beattie (CB) Teresa Parkinson (PW) Pat Rotolo (PC)
Baby Pink Beading Heart Trio and My Beading Heart Donna Paulsen (PC, CB) Kathy Turner (PC)
Salt Water Taffy Star Baby Silly Bugs Donna Austin (PC) Donna Paulsen (PC, CB) Pat Montez (PC)
Leftovers in Pink Bethany's Boots Nursery Rhymes Carol Gerler Tracy Dempsey (PC, SL) Irene Drewnicky
Tumbling Blocks Zigzag Stars Blessings of Spring Patricia Poerio Donna Austin (PC) Diane May (PC)
Christmas Curved Log Cabin Christmas Friendships Sharon Sheehan (Helping Hands) Barbara Bell, Linda Pace, Janice Jones (PC)
Wintertime Ivory Red Starling Bradley Frank Tate Frank Tate
Red on Black and Grey Coffee Memory of Thailand Ruth Rague (CB) Kim Schwab Dayle MacCormack
Lace Stars Five and Ten Colors of Colorado Donna Austin (PC) Donna Austin (PC) Ruth Rague (CB)
Field of Flowers Slide Rule Quilt Valentine Holly Vigil (PC) Kari Nichols Carol Nachtigall (PC)
Bali Sea Star Hawaii Quilt Diva Sharon Sheehan (Helping Hands) Mary Lee Gardner Kris Sparks (PC, SL, Cal)
Quilt Squad Quilt Squad Ironing Diva Carol Briscoe (PC, SL, Cal) Mary Vandeberg (PC, SL, PP) Dianna Hardrick (Cal)
Scraps It Was For Leo Duck Tales Barb Beckner (SL) Jill Jespersen (PC) Kathy Turner (PC) Ann Wolgamood, Linda Slack
Red Fox E'toile De France Indian Star Julie Racine (PC, SL) Mary Beth Shaufler (PC) Mary Beth Shaufler(PC)
Star Cluster ## Modern Churn Dash ## Double Aster ## Sharon McMahon (CB, PW) Mari Pretzer (CB, PW) Katya Holen (CB, PW)
Castle Rock Crocus ## Modern Dresden Plate ## Spring ## Katya Holen (CB, PW) Sharon McMahon (CB, PW) Katya Holen (CB, PW)
Henry Amish Sampler Rose Trellis Holly Vigil (PC) Nancy Morlan (R&S) Sharon Sheehan (Helping Hands)
Atsuko's UFO Blue and Gray Star Atsuko Griffin, Lorraine Kohrs (PC) Donna Austin (PC)

Brody's Project
Our Community Project for 2024 is a collection of donations in support of the Humane Society facility in Pueblo. It is named for Brody - the shelter pet adopted by our Featured Quilter.
They have indicated a continuous need for the following items:
> Unopened dog and cat treats > Cat toys and shelter-safe dog toys (Nylabones, Kongs, BarkBox Super Chewers) > Puppy pads > Paper towels > Non-clumping cat litter > Peanut butter - regular, NOT sugar-free (the sweetener is poisonous to animals) > Clean, good condition, full-size towels > Airline pet carriers (no wire crates or soft-sided carriers) > Feliway calming spray for cats
They will not take cat or dog food as they must maintain a consistency of diet for the animals. Donations of cash for this effort are always appreciated.