Local Quilt Guilds
Calico Quilters Guild in Pueblo. Meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 6:30p, at 1802 Sheridan Rd, Pueblo. (no website)
Canon City Modern Quilt Club. First Stitches Quilt Shop in Canon City may have information.
City Beat Modern Quilters in Pueblo. Meets on the third Saturday, January thru October. View their Facebook page for the location. CityBeat
Olde Schoolhouse Quilters in Westcliffe. Meets on the second Tuesday of each month at Valley Bible Fellowship, 116 Hermit Lane, Silver Cliffe, 9:00a - 3:00p. A service project, Comfort Quilts, meets on the first Tuesday of the month. OSQ
Pueblo West Quilters Guild in Pueblo West. Meets on the first Monday of each month at the Pueblo West Library, 298 S. Joe Martinez Blvd., Pueblo West, at 6:30p. Exception: The January and September meetings, which are held on the second Monday. PWQ
Quilters Above the Clouds in Woodland Park. Meets on the fourth Friday of each month at Mt. View Methodist Church at 1101 Rampart Range Rd., at 1:00p. QATC
Royal Gorge Quilt Council in Canon City. Meets on the second Saturday of every month at the Golden Age Center, 728 Main Street, at 9:00a. (No website)
Scrappy Ladies Quilt Guild (originally of Walsenburg). Meets on the second Monday of each month at the Colorado City Community Center, at 10:00a. Scrappy
Area Quilt Shops
Stitcher's Garden 308 S. Union Ave., Pueblo 719-545-3320 StitchersGarden
Alamosa Quilt Company 3211 Main Street (in the Villa Mall), Alamosa 719-937-2555 AQC
First Stitches, Canon City Quilt Shop & Sewing Store 212 S. Fourth St., Canon City 719-285-8088 FirstStitches
High Country Quilts 4727 North Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs 719-598-1312 HighCountry
​Ruth's Stitchery 4440 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, Colorado Springs 719-591-1717 Ruth's
Have you visited BackSideFabrics? They offer wide backs from 25+ manufacturers, including Benartex, Moda, Northcott, Timeless Treasures, Wilmington and Windham. Most fabrics are 108", but batik wide backs are 106", and some fabrics are 116" or 118" ! As a special service, they offer free swatches up to 10 per month.
You might also visit Missing Fabrics to see if you have something in your stash that someone else is looking for - or perhaps someone has that piece you need to finish a project.
Online Sites for quilting assistance:
Delaware Quilts offers many block patterns, in several sizes, for download in .pdf format
Creative Bug offers lots of crafty info, techniques, quilt patterns, etc.
Paper Pieces has precut shapes for English paper piecing. Also a great tutorial on No Waste Flying Geese geese
See a tutorial on Formulas for Quilters here
Here is a wealth of Yardage Charts
A tutorial for Susie's Magic Binding is available from Aunt Marti's 52 Quilts. This is a back-to-front binding that yields a look of piping at the edge of the binding on the front. Also, try Jean's Genius Binding - it's a front-to-back binding without the flange. Both are finished with machine stitching - you need a stitch-in-the-ditch foot for your machine. No hand stitching required!
A page of 89 options for blocks made with half-square triangles; click below to open a file for printing.
Other Resources
Colorado Quilt Council CQC
American Quilter's Society AQS
Sewing machine service and repair:
John Grimes, 3102 High Street, Pueblo 719-545-8337
Boone (formerly at Creative Sewing Design) now works from home: 719-248-4510 Diablo Sewing, 246 East Wiggins Bay, Pueblo West (off Spaulding)
First Stitches in Canon City has technicians certified in Bernina, BabyLock and Janome. (They are certified to service other brands as well.) 719-285-8088 (Canon City).
Pride City Library
Our Library has over 150 items. They are stored on two carts at the church where we meet. Checkout and return is easy - just write your name and the date on the card in the front of the book, and hand the card to the Librarian. If you wish to keep the item more than one month (providing no one else is waiting to borrow the item), please "renew" it by filling in the new date. Return books to the Librarian or to the location indicated near the cart.
Pride City ByLaws
The Pride City ByLaws and Policies is a 4-page document, last modified in May 2021.